Come and learn a little more about the history of PMS in our posts on the LP Blog!

Feb 25, 2024

Purple Flower
Purple Flower

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We are in the fourth generation of a methodology that has positioned itself as the Management Method for large organizations.

It operates in terms of criticality, with a cost tree, asset criticality, criticality of losses, therefore it has a strategy linked to that of the organization and is measured.

We will present a series of articles on our blog that bring the development of this methodology for which we have a specialized team for conducting TPM courses, consulting, diagnostics, and preparation for assessment for the TPM/JIPM award (JIPM (Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance – Tokyo).

TPM Methodology  

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), which is a Japanese system whose acronym represents Productive Maintenance with the Participation of All, was created in 1971, based on PM (Preventive Maintenance or Productive Maintenance), a concept introduced from the USA in 1950 and throughout the 1960s. Subsequently, from 1970 to 1980, TPM gradually developed and became one of the most important programs applied by industries worldwide thanks to the results achieved with its application. (SHIROSE, 1997)

TPM permeates entire company structures, in all parts of the world, which is evidenced by a strong increase in the number of companies that have received the PM award based on TPM, by the movement of TPM from the production sector to business TPM, and the growing number of countries in which TPM is practiced.

The definition of TPM, presented for the first time in 1971, was restricted within the production department, and the activities of TPM have been expanded so that it has transcended the production department to be implemented throughout the company. This led to a new definition of TPM to accommodate it with the business vision.

The TPM and the 4th Generation

The strategy focused on the efficiency of the equipment or line (1st generation), observing OEE or OPE, is no longer sufficient; therefore, we have a more operation-oriented approach and everything that surrounds or directly feeds it: raw materials, processes, projects, tools, etc...

Generation after 1999

In the year 1999, even in the face of the forecast that the Japanese economy would have come out of the bottom of the pit with the reversal of the growth index, albeit slightly into the positive...

Blue Flower

The Evolution of TPM

The evolution of TPM from generation to generation has been very significant. Over the years, TPM has increasingly adapted to the needs of companies, generating outstanding results in their activities...

Acting in the provision of services in the fields of productivity, behavior, and quality.

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Acting in the provision of services in the fields of productivity, behavior, and quality.

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Acting in the provision of services in the fields of productivity, behavior, and quality.

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